My name is Katelyn Alegria if you don't know that already. I just turned 16 in May. Yeah I know I'm old. Summer is very near and I'm going to truly miss all my friends. On the other hand no more homework that's a plus (wait summer reading....ugh). I had fun this year and hope to see everyone next year. I'll never forget all the funny things that happened this year especially in geography class. My favorite thing this year though was the project we did in English over Romeo and Juliet I had such a great time acting out the scene and turning it into a video. Something I did in my spare time was read the Twilight Saga and found out that they are actually really great books. Sadly it's time for me to stop talking about myself and end this project. Now those that read my blog know a little about my background. Sorry but it's time for me to go my mom wants me off the laptop.
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