I've never considered myself to be anything more than just me much less than any HERO, but if I had to choose a hero type for myself I would like to believe that I am more of a romantic/gothic hero rather than any other type. I, myself, don't really care about much, meaning I don't care if I get in trouble I like to live in the moment. Life has always been said that it is too short to sit around and cry about nonsense, you have to have fun and stop worrying so much. Don't waste your life. I have a lot of friends so I'm guessing that must mean I have a good personality. I know at times that I can be mean but overall I am a pretty nice person you just have to know me. Mi familia is crazy but in a good way. They know how to have fun.Yes, of course, like any family they can be embarrassing at times, but no matter what they do they are still my family and I can't and wouldn't ever change that. I don't ever look at my strengths and weaknesses but that doesn't mean their not there. One of strengths would be that I can almost deal with anything no matter what it is I can always find a way to cope with it. A weakness would be that I have bad eyesight; I can't see far away which really annoys me. Now I don't feel like list all my strengths and weaknesses so.....yeah. My hobbies are hanging out with friends and just goofing around with my brother Nick. All my life I have always been giving everything I wanted so I guess you can say that I am spoiled (my mom does). I have a pretty dark side to me most people couldn't tell because of the way I act but trust me it's there. I can be very romantic (something no one else would kno about me) but I still have that dark side that can be brought out.